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Novo ano, Novo você, Novos objetivos. 🥂🍾 Comece 2024 com 70% de desconto no 12min Premium!
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ISBN: 178028960X
Many of us find the challenges of family life, especially the early years daunting and overwhelming. The task of raising children is not easy, the stakes are high so how can mindfulness help us parent better? What is it? How do you do it? And does it help? This book will teach you how to become a better more patient parent using mindfulness. It will help you to: - Stay calm in a crisis - Feel more connected to your children - Be patient - Throw yourself into an activity - Not say something you may regret - Keep a sense of perspective Written in a friendly and accessible style Amber Hatch, author of Nappy Free Baby and Colouring for Contemplation includes tons of practical information alongside anecdotes, tips and insights that will help any parent, whether they are new to mindfulness or well practiced, to achieve a calmer, more relaxed family life. Topics covered include: dealing with the early weeks, including responding mindfully to your baby's cries, joining your child in play and preventing mealtime and bedtime stress, screentime, encouraging outdoor play and saying no, developing positive qualities and managing difficult behaviour and introducing mindfulness to children.
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